Emphasizing Integration Over Acquisition

Emphasizing Integration Over Acquisition

Emphasizing Integration Over Acquisition Quantify your potential government software platform as a truly integrated solution   Given the scope and complexity of modern governance processes and workflows, it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify a software solution that can meet or exceed all your project requirements within a single integrated platform—but it is worth the […]

Finding a True Project and Product Partner

Finding a True Project Partner

Finding a True Project and Product Partner Consider your software vendor’s partnership qualities and their fit with your culture. One of the key aspects that separates successful project implementations from the disappointments is the degree of compatibility that exists between client and vendor. In failed projects, internal client teams often feel as if they’re ‘going […]

Setting Vendor Expectations for Service

Setting Vendor Expectations for Service

Setting Vendor Expectations for Service Identifying a software provider that is invested in your success beyond the sale It’s frankly perplexing that with a procurement process as robust as the standard RFP Process for government clients seeking enterprise partners, that the final result is so often a mismatch between client and vendor. However, as a […]

Enterprise Project Warning Signs

Enterprise Project Warning Signs

Enterprise Project Warning Signs Warning signs that a software vendor is lacking with their service delivery model In a successful IT project implementation, the client/vendor relationship typically matures to one of mutual respect and ongoing product refinement that benefits both parties equally. With a stable and responsive platform established, internal product teams shift their focus […]