The Key Reason Why Government Software Projects Succeed (or Fail)

The Key Reason Why Government Software Projects Succeed (or Fail) There’s a critical juncture in nearly every government software implementation when a project can teeter between success and failure. A successful implementation project aligns the 3 pillars of ‘people, platform, and process.’ When these foundational elements fall out of alignment, a project is put at […]

More Key Outcomes from a Successful Permitting System Modernization

More Key Outcomes from a Successful Permitting System Modernization The pressing need to transform regulatory processes to alleviate the Affordable Housing Crisis is increasingly resulting in loosely defined ‘low code’ mandates to equip rapid and widespread digital transformation. Although admirable in their ambitions, the recent increase of initiatives sacrificing definitive project deliverables in favor of […]

Deadlines Alone Insufficient to Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis

Deadlines Alone Insufficient to Solve the Affordable Housing Crisis With housing-affordability a massive concern across North America, numerous states and provinces are now implementing ‘shot clock’ legislation to expedite the review of development plan and/or building permit applications. From California to Florida, Texas to Washington, Ontario to British Columbia, widespread efforts to increase new housing […]