Steven Shorey and the Emerging Leaders Course

Steven Shorey

Steven Shorey and the Emerging Leaders Course For our Computronix employee interviews, we sit down with people from all levels of our company and ask them about their jobs, and what it’s like working for Computronix.   Computronix employees are constantly encouraged and given opportunities to learn and become better at their jobs, and even […]

The CX Academy

The CX Academy

The CX Academy One of the core values at Computronix is growth. That means that we’re always trying to grow and improve as a company, but also that we value individual growth for our employees. This comes through in training, in mentorship and in a desire to see people overcome challenges, improve, learn, and succeed. […]

Professional Development

Professional development

Professional Development At Computronix, we strongly value professional development, meaning that we want our employees to continually learn and grow and improve at their jobs. We talked to developers Chris Newbery and Eissa Pavo, who shared their thoughts on professional development at Computronix.